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brand storytelling  |  a day in the life

Day In The Life Sessions for small businesses is focused on illustrating your business' narrative through (mostly) unscripted imagery.  Although I can nudge and gently guide you during the session, this is a documentary-style photo session of your business and how it is run day to day. Evidently, and I am no marketing guru, there are  4 P's for good brand storytelling. My guess is you know this, which is why you have a brand with a worthy story to show.  A Day In The Life Session for your business will reflect your company's People, the Problem it solves, the Product or service it provides, and the Possibilities it can achieve. This framework is not uncommon for businesses, however articulating it well can be, and storytelling imagery can help. The world wide web tells us that your audience has an attention span that is now less than a goldfish's for the written word, and only 28% of what is written will be read. It also graciously tells us, that storytelling imagery can help, significantly.  It positively impacts attitudes and behaviors which feed loyalty, a lovely thing for small businesses. After a few hours together, you will have strong imagery for website content and to share on those pesky social media platforms.

Canine Hairdresser

A Day In the Life

  • Half day photography

  • Online Gallery

  • 75+ Images

  • $695

Beekeeper with Bees
Basket and Wild Flowers

A Snippet In The Life

  • Couple of hours photography

  • Online Gallery

  • 50+ Images

  • $395

Image by DocuSign
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