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"If you think you are too small to make a difference you have never spent a night with a mosquito." 
 African Proverb

Kiva Lending |  action from compassion

Although it feels like I haven't been able to do a lot, I imagine this is not the sentiment for those who are receiving,  those who are building their own future. Since 2009 I have cycled a percentage of my income through Kiva, a microfinance company, to provide loans to low-income entrepreneurs. My passion lies with lifting up women to realize their dreams, furthering their education, supporting their families, or focusing on building a better future for themselves.  Kiva is not a donation, it is a loan that gives people the power and resources to build the life they choose.

To date, I am so pleased to say that my small  business has provided:

  • 19 Loans, ALL to women

  • In 15 Countries (including the US)

  • Focusing on: Education, Agriculture, Food, Clothing, & Health

Through supporting my small business, you are in turn, supporting other women , across the globe, in building theirs,

Thank You!

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